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Agrieuro Corp (OTCMKTS:EURI) Rises From The Ashes

Agrieuro Corp (OTCMKTS:EURI) Rises From The Ashes
Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
February 23, 2017
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Agrieuro Corp (OTCMKTS:EURI) is one of the most infamous names on the OTC Markets. The reason for this infamy is that EURI is a promotion from the Elite Penny Stock Group. For those that are not familiar with Elite, they are the most powerful newsletter group on the OTC markets.Their websites included finestpennystocks.com, smartstockchoices.com, smartstockwinners.com, BestAmericanStocks.com, and many others. What makes Elite so powerful is that they have a massive database of names and followers. They even have other newsletters following their picks and then trying to pass off Elite picks as their own. Elite blasts their list several times a day trying to get as many buyers into their stocks as possible.Unfortunately, Elite has left a trail of victims that only the Wolf of Wall Street can admire. Some of their last picks have been Broke Out Inc (OTCMKTS:BRKO), Cloudweb Inc (OTCMKTS:CLOW), Golden Edge Entertainment Inc (OTCMKTS:GDEE), Midwest Oil & Gas Inc (OTCMKTS:MWGO) and Petrogas Company Inc (OTCMKTS:PTCO). All of their picks have the same chart patterns - pump and dump.EURI was a pump and dump that Elite ran at the end of 2015. Here, you can see how investors fared buying in on the first promotion.After the excitement died down, Elite has built up its position again and is back to do the same thing. As you can see from the chart, a long period of inactivity is now seeing a huge spike on massive volume, all created by the Elite Penny Stock Group.Kicking off the second promo was a press release from the company. It said that Agrieuro sold out its most recent reed harvest at an average price of 1.55 euro per bundle. The company said demand for AgriEuro's reed still outweighs the current supply and the company is working on several solutions to bring more reed into the market. Agrieuro said that it plans to continue investing in new equipment and projects an increase of yields to 1 million bundles annually within the next 24 months. A "Mr. Monda" said:

"We are actually expecting to harvest a record amount of reed this year, far exceeding our 2016 harvest. In spite of that, we believe that the harvest will be sold out well before it's ready to deliver. I believe we have barely scratched the surface in terms of what is possible with this property and are committed to taking all the steps necessary to bring it to its full potential as soon as possible."

Notice he would not provide his first name in the press release. On OTC Markets site, it says that his name is Radu Cosmin Monda. It turns out he's Romanian and that's where the company is based.Agrieuro Corp describes itself as being "in the aquaculture and agriculture industries, and is in the process of developing a luxury hotel on its property to enter into the hospitality industry. The company owns 1709 hectares of land in the Danube Delta, which is the second largest river Delta in Europe, and the best preserved in the continent. Currently, AgriEuro operates reed farming operations on 700 hectares of the property, and has commenced into aquaculture and fish farming operations on 1000 hectares of the property. AgriEuro also owns the four (4) building complexes on the property at the Black Sea shore, and is in the process of developing hotel accommodations of 620 beds on the property, on 2 hectares of its property, located inside the Natural Reservation of Danube, Tulcea County, Channel area."Currently trading with a market cap of $23 million, EURI reported at the end of September 2016 $92k in revenues, a net loss of $10k, $20k in cash, $4.3m in total assets, and $2.5m in total liabilities. This is Elite's second attempt to promote EURI. Their track record speaks for itself.Proceed with caution. Don't get left holding the bag. We will be updating our subscribers as soon as we know more. For the latest updates on EURI, sign up below!Disclosure: We have no position in EURI and have not been compensated for this article.

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