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American Leisure Holdings Inc (OTCMKTS:ALMH) Is Today's Focus Stock

American Leisure Holdings Inc (OTCMKTS:ALMH) Is Today's Focus Stock
Written by
Jarrod Wesson
Published on
April 7, 2017
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American Leisure Holdings, Inc. (OTCMKTS:AMLH) ("American Leisure") recently announced that it had closed its merger with GG Media Network, which is an e-Sports media production company. These recent news, along with some other relevant stories about American Leisure to be noted in this article, have recently made the share price rebound. Take a look at it:SourceThe merger and the new CEO of American LeisureThere exists little information about the merger agreement, but plenty of it about what it seems to be the new business activity of the holding American Leisure Holdings, Inc. According to the press release, Christian Bishop, GG Studio’s co-founder, will be the new CEO of American Leisure. The information about his past experience was noted using the terms:

"Bishop is a former telecommunications consultant serving as Enterprise Media Director with Level 3 Communications and Director of Content for BidChat, a cutting edge two-way live broadcasting platform for social influencers. Bishop also served as Executive Producer for newly created movie, Huntsville (2017), starring Sophie Turner and Dylan McDermott. Bishop also happens to be among last years contestants for ABCs long running reality powerhouse, The Bachelorette." Source

Apart from the information provided in the press release, we could find some more information. This is the CEO's Youtube Channel and this is a video that he posted on the reality show The Bachelorette:

SourceDo you want to see more? This is another video, in which the CEO of GG Media Network delivers speech to his followers:https://www.facebook.com/GGMediaNetwork/videos/114885762389581/SourceThe press release about the merger also noted that the the target audience for the e-Sports business is quite wide. According to the company, the total amount of viewers is over 200 million. Other industry players such as TBS and the online platform Twitch are also entering into the business by streaming shows like, ELEAGUE's 'Counter-Strike'.Finally, the press release provided some insight about the divisions that form GG Studios: the non-scripted content production division that is in charge of producing "hand-picked" e-Sports projects; the talent management and brand sponsorship division that provides services to the firm such as cross-promotion, digital rights management, monetization/sales and and audience development; and finally the e-Sports events management division that promotes video game competitions.What happens now? The last information about American Leisure that we could find is that it developed vacation real estate in Orlando and Florida and managed and distributed travel services. In addition, the last SEC filing reported by the company is from 2008 .Thus, we believe that the previous activity of American Leisure will stop and the new activity will be 100% the e-Sports media production. We believe that this will be very interesting for the shareholders, as all the energy and resources of the company will be focused to this project.So, what happens now? In our opinion, the company will start to communicate much more about the new business of GG Studios and the share price will probably be positively affected. In our experience, when companies do not communicate about the business being developed, the shareholders prefer to leave the company. The general idea is that no news means bad news. This is perhaps what happened with American Leisure and it may be the reason to explain the low price of the stock. To sum up, if the company communicates more, the share price may rise in the near future.Total outstanding shares and recent volumeAccording to this website, there are 1,497,038,196 shares outstanding and 707,484,706 shares restricted for American Leisure Holdings, Inc. Taking into account this information may be a very interesting fact since the volume exchanged lately has been quite large. The following is a list of the volume exchanged in the the previous days according to Yahoo Finance:

  • April 6, 2017: 148 million
  • April 5, 2017: 227 million
  • April 4, 2017: 218 million
  • April 3 2017: 537 million
  • March 31, 2017: 554 million
  • March 30, 2017: 201 million
  • March 29, 2017: 236 million
  • March 28, 2017: 230 million
  • March 27, 2017: 555 million

Thus, the total amount of shares exchange in this small amount of time was 2,696 million shares, which is almost two times the total amount of shares outstanding. This signals that the day traders have jumped in. Be aware that these investors may sell these shares at a higher price in the near future.ConclusionThere is a lot of expectations going on with this ticker. We believe that it will be interesting to follow it closely, as the new press releases may positively affect the share price. In addition, there are a lot of new investors trading AMLH. Because of this increase in volume, we now have AMLH on our watchlist. We will be updating our subscribers as soon as we know more. For the latest updates on AMLH, sign up below!Disclosure: We have no position in AMLH and have not been compensated for this article.

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