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Here's What MGT Capital Investments Inc. (OTCMKTS:MGTI)'s McAfee Is Really Doing At All These Conferences

Here's What MGT Capital Investments Inc. (OTCMKTS:MGTI)'s McAfee Is Really Doing At All These Conferences
Written by
Chris Sandburg
Published on
February 24, 2017
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Anyone that is holding a position in MGT Capital Investments Inc. (OTCMKTS:MGTI) right now, and likely many reading that don't, will know that John McAfee has been doing the rounds on the technology conference circuit over the last few months. The CEO has made appearances in London, New York, Miami and more to muse on the future of a range of topics, primarily cryptocurrency as per the most recent conferences, but other areas of interest to attendees at the various events.Now, that a company CEO is flying across the globe to chat about various technology hot topics isn’t necessarily a great thing. Sure, a bit of self promotion is nice, and something that we would expect form a guy like McAfee, but shareholders want him on the ground, managing MGT's day to day and driving value return.There's been some chatter of late to this end – specifically, a degree of shareholder disgruntlement that McAfee isn’t as active in the running of MGT as he might be, and that this disconnect is holding back the stock at best, damaging at worst.Long term readers here at Insider Financial will know that this is a company we have paid very close attention to since McAfee's name first tied to the MGT moniker back at the start of last year. For those new to us, or our coverage of MGT, catch up is available here, here and here.By way of a brief introduction for those not wanting to click away from this article, we've long held the opinion that there's real value in what McAfee is trying to achieve at MGT, and that the combination of its security product portfolio and its cryptocurrency operations, when taken in cahoots with McAfee's reputation in the space (a carefully cultivated, but very much established, hacker reputation) is a winning one.Anyway, all that aside, we decided to take a look at what he's been filling his time with, in an attempt to validate, or otherwise, shareholder claims that McAfee should be spending his time at MGT HQ, and not on a jet to London.What we found was pretty interesting.We're going to use this London event to illustrate our point, but take a look at any of the other publicized events and the conclusions are the same. North American Bitcoin Conference is here. The ISC Beijing event is here.The London event in question is Blockchain Money London 2017.At every event, McAfee starts off with a quip about not being sure what to talk about. He plays it as if he's adlibbing the key notes, and to some degree, it seems he is. The stories are generally a little different, the pathway slightly varying. Every time, however, brings the conversation to the issues of cyber security, and – and here's the key – the solving of these problems with the revolutionary products that MGT offers.Every time, the keynote address becomes an MGT sales pitch. Whether he's talking about the blockchain, bitcoin, crypto exchanges, server tech, or anything else, he's always tying it in to how these various topics need products like MGT's Sentinel, and he's doing so in front of some of the biggest names in the industry.And there's another key point here. The attendees are generally captivated by what he is saying. He's an antihero to these audiences, and there are very few people in technology right now that enjoy said reputation. Whatever the mainstream media is saying about McAfee (and by proxy, what the general public feel about him), and there have been some outlandish allegations banded about of late, the people he is selling to love him, and for shareholders, that's much more important.We will no doubt come back to this stock in the near term future and look at it from a more quantitative perspective, as and when said perspective becomes available by way of some numbers released. Until then however, shareholders can rest easy that McAfee is not flying about chatting about tech, he's getting in front of his core audience, and drawing their attention to MGT's product portfolio.We will be updating our subscribers as soon as we know more. For the latest updates on MGTI, sign up below!Disclosure: We have no position in MGTI and have not been compensated for this article.

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